Readiness for Continuity of Learning At Home

A basic checklist intended to help schools prepare for learning at home.



Please make sure that everyone can access learning.

  1. Do all staff have internet access and a laptop or other device?
  2. Do all the learners have internet access and a laptop or other device?
  3. Do we know who has no internet/laptop/device? Can we address this?
  4. Do we know who has poor internet connection?
  5. In this case, how are we providing alternative learning materials, feedback and opportunities to speak with staff and peers? How often?


Please do not try to replicate a school timetable.

  1. Have we made online lesson protocols clear to keep everyone safe?
  2. Do we expect every learner to log in every day?
  3. What is our minimum expectation for teacher contact with each class?
  4. What is our minimum expectation of teacher-led lessons per day/week?

Wellbeing and engagement

Please make sure the learners have regular two-way contact with their teachers and with peers.

  1. Do we have a simple checklist for the learners of what the school expects of them?
  2. Do we have a daily point of contact for the learners with a pastoral focus, eg a morning greeting from Class Teacher/Form Teacher?
  3. Do we have a group online conversation for learners about how they are managing, eg with as a Form Class with their teacher?
  4. Do Classroom Assistants assigned to learners have a daily/weekly contact routine?
  5. If learners are not engaging, what are our approaches to help them?
  6. If a teacher is ill, what contingency do we have in place?

Teaching, Learning and feedback

Please make sure there is a good balance of:

  1. teacher-led, independent and collaborative learning;
  2. online and off-line learning;
  3. ways in which to collect the learners’ work, eg typed and submitted; photographed pieces of writing or art; recorded piece;
  4. ways in which to provide feedback to the learners, eg individual, whole class, verbal, written, video, marks, grades and/or annotations.

Monitoring and evaluation

 Please make sure to keep regular checks that all of the agreed approaches, routines and structures are working well for the learners, their parents/carers and staff.

Communication with parents/carers

Please make sure there is regular two-way contact with parents/carers.

  1. Do we have a clear and straightforward checklist for parents/carers, eg ‘What you can expect from our school’?
  2. Do we have clear and accessible guidance for parents on how to help their children access and engage in their learning and stay safe online?
  3. Are our parents/carers clear on how to make contact with the right staff member if their children have any difficulties related to their wellbeing or

to their learning?


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