Action Short of Strike Action – Phase 2


1. Members are to teach their teaching hours only, 25 hours per week max in primary and 23.5 hours max in post-primary (or pro-rata if part-time) - and should undertake to prepare, plan and assess for their pupils at a place of their choosing. (School bus duties are exempt from action).

2. Members are not to complete lunchtime supervision unless they have voluntarily entered a separate or ‘secondary’ contract of employment for this activity.

3. All members are not to engage with Education and Training Inspectorate (ETI) inspections, other than for legitimate matters of safeguarding or if the school is in the Formal Intervention Process.

4. All members are not to provide remote learning unless time has been made available through the DTB for the purpose and approved by the TNC.

5. All members are not to co-operate with the scrutiny by other staff of pupils’ books, nor conduct scrutiny of the books of pupils of other staff colleagues.

6. All members are not to respond to emails/telephone calls/online learning platform messages before 9.00 am and after 3.00 pm or during the lunch break, save for legitimate matters of safeguarding and child protection.

7. All members are not to attend training events or meetings convened by employing authorities, save for legitimate safeguarding training.

8. All members are not to attend Area Learning Community (ALC) meetings or participate in the Pathways into Partnership initiative.

9. All members are not to respond to, or facilitate, consultations initiated by employing authorities and any other arms’ length bodies unless requested to do so by their trade union.

10. Principals produce one financial plan per year only after final school budget has been allocated which is not to be shared with employing authority, D.E. or associated ALBs. Plans should only reflect the year immediately following date of allocation. Until such times as a three-year budget is produced for schools, principals should limit any school development planning to one year.

11. Principal members are not to facilitate school visits by School Development Services (SDS), save for on legitimate safeguarding issues or if the school is in Formal Intervention.

12. Principal members are not to engage with School Improvement Professionals (SIPs), apart from at their request and associated only with urgent school-based needs.

13. Principal members will refuse to provide information to employers regarding staff participating in lawful industrial action.